Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
New blog
New blog! I just let this one fall by the wayside and instead of revamping it I made a new blog!
Check it out!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Lets just say its been FOREVER since I have actually been blogging. I was still at College of Charleston, now its two months into summer and where has time flown?
I reallllyyy wish I could of kept up with blogging but with working almost 40 hours a week (yes, I am in college and working that much but I can't complain because I love my job), going to the gym, and just being completely pooped by the time I get home--blogging is literally the last thing on my mind.
But I went to dinner last night with my absolute best friend from college and that gave me motivation to start blogging again. Basically we were OBSESSED with it all during our freshman year. She is actually the one that got me hooked on blogging to begin with, so kudos to Lanie for getting me hooked!!!
I really hope I don't slack off again but so much has happened since I stopped blogging, so that will give me motivation to blog also!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
MIA..for way too long!
Lets just say I have been MIA for awhile now.
The last two weeks of my freshman year in college were so hetic, then I'm back home now for summer and I started working! I have not even had time to read the blogs I follow!
I have honestly considered to quit blogging, but I decided that it's nice just to be able to express my ideas and here other people's views so I am going to keep it.
So I am really hoping to be able to post more often now!
(cross my fingers)
Let me catch y'all up on my life.
I have moved back to this beautiful place I call home
I signed up at the YMCA so I am able to keep up with my workout over summer
If you've been following, you know my cruise is coming up soon!
I went to Darlington, SC to a Nascar race last weekend (pics soon to come). The weather was surprisingly chilly at night but nice and warm in the day! It was a nice little family get away to hang out with a bunch of rednecks! (hahaha too much fun!)
Well I hope everyone is doing well!
Monday, April 18, 2011
My amazing Monday and OOTD
Hello lovelies! How was y'alls Monday? Let me just say mine has been so wonderful (and usually my Monday's are HORRIBLE)!
It all started with waking up from 11 hours of sleep...AMAZING! I woke up feeling so refreshed and ready to start my week.
I was able to get dressed on time this morning so I actually have an OOTD today!!
I go to my calculus class and he passed back our tests that we took Friday! And guess what I got??? A 94!!! Ahh, it was so nice to see that grade circled on the top of my paper! So needless to say this made my day.
So after leaving class as a happy camper I went to get a bagel and iced coffee. Lately they have been out of ice (which is annoying because I can't get iced coffee without ice). So today the kid in-front of me tried getting ice, nothing came out.
So I step up and just was going to try to get ice and what do you know! Exactly enough ice to fill my cup comes out!! Everyone looks at me and is like how in the world did that happen? No one in there had ice and the girl behind me couldn't get ice out either..it was so strange but in a weird way I think it was God's way of saying 'Makenzie, this is going to be a good week.' :)
AND tomorrow I have no classes!!!!!! Which means I definitely won't be doing an OOTD because I will laying out ALLL day long!
This is going to be such a good week and I am so excited to share my days with you on my blog!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My usual Sunday post!
Hello everyone!
Let me start off by saying how relaxed and laid back this weekend has been. Last week was super busy for me and all I wanted to do Friday was take it easy. So Friday night me and my two best friends went shopping at the Tanger outlets, then went to Barne's and Nobles to waste time before our 10:00 movie. We just caught up on the latest celeb gossip and read mag's for a bit. After that we got dinner and then headed to the theather!
Of course we saw Soul Surfer and let me tell y'all. It is a MUST see. Bethany is so inspirational and she inspires me to do more and to be more optimistic about life and just everything. Bring a whole bunch of tissues because we basically cried from start to finish.
The only complaint is poor little Carrie Underwood. I will give her the benefit of the doubt that she tried her hardest, but she wasn't very good. (She should probably stick to singing). But she looked gorgeous as always!
Saturday and Sunday was spent laying out trying to get a tan! Honestly I am borderline obsessive about tanning, but hey a girl wants to be dark! Just not this dark:
To make this post a tad more interesting I figured I would throw in a few things that I am loving right now since I never got a chance to do WILW last week!
I am loving this site right now. It's really cool to be able to pick different colleges and see pictures girls/guys have posted in their trendiest outfits! It's fun to see the different trends from college to college.
I am also loving that in two weeks, I will be home to this place:
I also am loving No Sleep by Wiz Khalifa--OBSESSED.
I can't get enough of the weather lately!So nice! Last Thursday night was so gorgeous that after dinner me and a few friends walked around downtown and found some of the prettiest places I have never even noticed before. Plus the flowers are blooming and it is so pretty!
Here's one of the pictures I took!
Also I bought a few new clothing items this weekend, so I'm loving I'll be able to show y'all in an OOTD this week!
I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
OOTD, and new mascara!
Well y'all, it's almost Friday! I have surprisingly made it this far into the week, lets hope I can survive tomorrow. I have a horrible Calculus test that I don't feel too comfortable with, so we'll see how it goes!
Here's my OOTD:
Romper: Hazel, (I think I found it at Belk)
Cardigan: F21
Flats: Gap
I have a horrible coupon issue, and here is an example. I was at CVS buying a green tea yesterday between classes because I was very thirsty and scanned my CVS card at the kiosk to see what coupons were on my card (just in case there was one for the green-tea) and a coupon printed for $4 off a purschase of $20 or more.
Obviously I wasn't going to spend $20 on tea, so I pondered around the store trying to find something to spend $20 on that I just HAD to have. I found a tinted moisturizer (Covergirl I think..I'm sure I won't like it compared to my Estee Lauder one but hey, I needed to spend $20) and I got this mascara that I remembered I loved from last summer.
It's Neurtogena healthy lengths and it really works! I get the waterproof because it doesn't run and I found that waterproof last longer throughout the day. Plus with summer approaching and the beach and pool, I would hate for it to run down my face and make me look in a raccoon!
Before applying the healthy lengths, I put on a coat of Estee Lauder Sumptuous mascara to add more weight to it because the Neutrogena mascara alone make's my lashes look extremely long but thin, so the Sumptuous makes them look thicker.
Before applying the healthy lengths, I put on a coat of Estee Lauder Sumptuous mascara to add more weight to it because the Neutrogena mascara alone make's my lashes look extremely long but thin, so the Sumptuous makes them look thicker.
Here is a before and after photo. I did not use a eye lash curler or nothing.

So I do find it works really good, the best I have tried so far and I have tried a lot!!!
Also, after african dance yesterday, me and a few friends stopped by our favorite frozen yogurt shop, 32 degrees!

It is so delicious! I recommend it to everyone. I know I have blogged about it before, but I can't explain enough how good it is. Plus the weather was warm, so it is a nice little low-cal treat! I got espresso yogurt with strawberry's, blueberry's, raspberries and kiwi!
Wish me luck on my test tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
First OOTD and other pictures!
Hello bloggies!
Well last post I said I was going to try to do two OOTD's a week, so here is the first one!
Capris: Express
Top: Polo Ralph Lauren
Sandals: Forever21
(excuse my messy dorm room)
Also here are a few pictures from our fishing trip on Sunday:
Other great news is I did go to Ben and Jerry's to get my free ice-cream cone! I got coffee, coffee, buzz, buzz, buzz or something along those lines and boy let me tell you..DELICIOUS!!
Well my post is short and simple today, but hope y'all are having a good week so far!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Recap of weekend, great find, and my slump!
Hello lovelies!
Well this weekend I went home and it was so nice and relaxing (much needed let me tell you)! I spent a lot of time catching up with my family & boyfriend.
Michael (the bf) is BIG into fishing and on Sunday he really wanted to take me out, as he put it "take my honey to my honey-hole." So of course we have to go when the tide is right, so this girl was up and on her way to the landing at 6:30 a.m.
Despite the horrible time that I had to get up at, we had so much fun. By the time we were ready to leave, we caught about 40 redfish!
(Here I would usually upload pictures, but for some reason iPhoto is not cooperating and is not letting me upload them..so until that happens this will be picutre-less. I did however catch a pretty big fish so as soon as my computer works, I'll post them!)
Also while at home, my mom found a really cute Lilly dress at a consignment store for $15!!! It is one of their older prints, but still super cute. The only thing is it's one size too big, but I am going to take it to get it altered this week. So once it's all said and done, my Lilly dress will be less than $40! Can't beat that!
(Once I get it altered, I'll post a pic...I think my next post will be all pictures haha)
My mom always has a tendency to run into good deals like that, but hey I'm not complaining!
Oh and great news! Ben and Jerry's is giving away free icecream cones tomorrow from 12-8!!! I think most locations are participating! Definitely going to stop by the one on Market Street tomorrow!
Oh and these next couple of weeks are going to be CRAZYYY. I will try to post as much as possible, but with exams, finals, papers, and presentations it's going to be tough.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Requires it's own post
I do not think I have mentioned my obsession with Blue Crush.
I have bought the DVD twice now because I played the first disk so many times that it wore out and kept skipping, and now I am on the second DVD. I can not surf, nor have I ever tried. But I love beach-y, summer flicks!
What's sad is this came out when I was in fifth grade, but it never gets old for some reason. I love Kate Bosworth and I think she is just gorgeous.
But needless to say I am so excited for Soul Surfer to come out in theaters. I remember when Bethany Hamilton (the girl who stars in the movie that got attacked by a shark).
Anyways, random post! Thought I would share my love for surfer movies! Haha
Thursday's questions and thoughts
Question, does anyone know of a good tinted moisturizer?
I follow quite a few blogs that did product reviews on a few but I forgot which products they choose! So if anyone has any suggestions let me know
Also I don't know if it is just a trend here, but has anyone noticed a trend going around with girls adding feathered extensions into their hair?
Looks like this, but usually they only have like one or two. I personally would never ever even think about putting this into my hair but what is y'alls opinions? I don't see this becoming a huge fad.
Update on my Olay Prox
Watch out for your hair. Mine got caught around the spinning head thing and I really thought I was going to have to cut my hair to get it out but I manged to untangle it after like 15 minutes. ( Blonde move)!!!
Hope y'all have a good weekend, I probably won't be able to post until Sunday!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Not my everyday post
Well I was pondering on what my post for today should be, and nothing in particular is crossing my mind. I haven't bought any new products, done anything exciting since yesterday (my last post) and don't have any plans that are blog worthy.
So here go a few of my random thoughts:
1. This thought is not happy or upbeat, but rather sad. My boyfriend's step dad was rushed by ambulance about three weeks ago. He is still in the hospital now, I don't want to give any details of why but it goes to show that one should not take anything for granted. This summer I had a major surgery (I don't think I have blogged about it before). Two years ago, I found out that I had neurofibromatosis. Which means I do not have the gene to suppress tumor growth. Last summer I had a major surgery to get a tumor removed from my chest cavity that was over 20 inches. Before finding out about this, I never thought something so serious would ever happen to me. It just goes to show you that you never know what tomorrow will bring, so take nothing for granted.
(sorry about the seriousness so far..my next thought will be a more light hearted)
2. I'm very excited for Easter! I wish I was still young enough to dye eggs and go on an Easter egg hunt because it was my most favorite thing to do! Atleast now I get to still eat all the Easter candy and what not!!
3. Laundry is horrible. I'm actually typing this post while do just that. It's so time consuming and a pain. At my house I NEVER had to do laundry. My mom or the maid did it. Here in college, I don't have that luxury. On move in day my mom had to show me how to work these machines because I didn't have the first clue. Same with changing sheets on beds...worst thing ever!
4. I love painting my nails! Right now I am obsessed with hot pink, very summer-ish. I usually hate having nail polish on my finger nails because it always chips off, but I can't remember the brand I used last time, but it's holding up and has yet to chip (I would look but I am not in my room!)
5. Speaking of painting things, I really want to try to paint on a canvas. I have done it once before and I did a palm and moon (so original!) It actually turned out pretty good, but I have lost it when we moved into our house. I have no idea which paint to use nothing, so if anyone has some pointers as to how to help a newbie out comment and let me know!
Sorry my post was not very exciting or fun! But it's all I got for today. Hopefully tomorrow my creative juices will be flowing better!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Mega weekend post
Hello bloggies!
This weekend was very productive and might require quite a long blog post! As I said before, it was my friend Lanie's birthday and we started celebrating Thursday..needless to say I am beat and tired.
Here are a few pictures:
We went to Red's Icehouse for dinner on Saturday. It's on Shem Creek and it's so much fun! It was right on the water and while we were waiting we sat on the dock and watched the dolphins play in the creek at sunset!
I got the crab cakes and they were SOO good!
Saturday-day we went to the beach at Sullivan's. It was a bit windy so we couldn't stay long because the sand was blowing EVERYWHERE plus it just wasn't that warm
Sunday we went to dinner at Pane e Vino on Lanie's actual birthday. It was the most authentic Italian food I have ever ate before! I ate spaghetti and it was to die for! It was so cute inside and outside. We sat on the patio and it was gorgeous.
Then last night we watched paranormal activity 2 at like 1 in the morning. I HATE scary movies, I am the biggest baby ever. Thank goodness I saw that in the theatersa when it came out (didn't sleep for days). I couldn't fall asleep on top a crazy weekend. This morning I did not want to roll out of bed. The first thing I did was go to Starbucks!
I am sure everyone knows, but if you go online to Starbucks, you can see the calories and fat in each drink. I get the grande (this morning it was the venti) iced-coffee sweetened with skim milk. Only 110 calories for the grande!
My week is a bit hectic but I'll try to post as much as possible!
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