Hey gals! Well last nights dinner didn't go as planned. With the rainy cold weather and a lot of people were not able to make it, we just rescheduled for another night!
But I thought I would do a blog about products I'm loving right now! I love when other bloggers do this because its helpful when it comes to buy something and already knowing it works!
This is a self tanner from
Victoria Secret! Its absolutely wonderful! I got the adjustable self-tan with shimmer so you can go darker or lighter depending on how tan you already are and want to get. Also the best thing is it smells SO good!
This body exfoliate is the BEST! It leaves my skin feeling so smooth and soft, plus the lemongrass just smells so fresh! LOVE

These Estee Lauder lip glosses are just fabulous! I got this little combo pack that comes with these 5 shades and I love every single one of them!

This has probably been my number one fav product since like 6th grade! It's my all time favorite perfume!

I bought the zeno hot spot over the summer, and shipping was a pain because it took FOREVER! Then they sent me two :) I will have to say, for the money its not worth it. Its like maybe $40ish dollars, I cant remember, but you can only use it a certain amount of times then you have to buy a new cartridge or something. I don't understand the whole thing but before my batteries died recently in mine, I used it and it did work pretty well. It works the best if you feel a blemish coming and then try to catch it before it forms!
Well I hope this was helpful!